Standards and basics for training your dog daycare staff

There are many challenges facing dog daycare and boarding facilities these days, and the struggle to hire, train, and maintain your ideal staff might be even harder than usual right now. 

When you hire a new employee, do you hand them a training manual to read? Do you assign one of your existing employees to show the new employee the ropes? Or are you spending your own time training each new employee? 

Your time is extremely valuable, and your existing employees’ time is valuable as well. You also should use a new hire training process that is concise (doesn’t take months) and consistent (doesn’t vary greatly based on which existing employee is training your new hire).

Dog Daycare Staff Training Handoff

In the Dog Handler Academy monthly membership training program, your team can learn all the basics in Course 101:

  • Discharge (stool, urine, vomit, and how to identify potential concerns)
  • Clean-Up 
  • Handler Behavior 
  • Handler Tools 
  • Canine Behavior 
  • Collars, Leashes, and Harnesses 
  • Kennels and Crates 
  • Hand-offs and Greetings


Our upcoming Course 201: Advanced Dog Handler Employee Training will cover advanced handling topics like defensive handling, spatial pressure, in-depth reading of canine body language, assessment before the bite, various tools used to break up a fight, and more.

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